The Sierra Leonean government announced on November 27 that it had lifted a curfew imposed on November 26, 2023. / Photo : Reuters

The Sierra Leonean military has said that Sunday clashes in the capital Freetown resulted in the deaths of 13 soldiers.

Unknown people, who were armed, raided a barracks in the capital city and unsuccessfully attempted to snatch firearms from the armoury, the government said.

In yet another security breach in Freetown, armed men broke into several prisons, released dozens of inmates and "abducted" others, Sierra Leone's Information Minister Chernor Bah said in a statement.

It remains unclear whether the attacks were linked to only one assailant group, or multiple groups.

Suspects arrested

President Julius Maada Bio said late on Sunday that leaders of the groups have since been arrested.

On Monday afternoon, the government lifted a nationwide curfew that was imposed on Sunday.

The Sunday clashes left 13 dead in the ranks of the army loyal to the government, and were orchestrated by active and retired soldiers, Sierra Leone's army said on Monday.

"We have launched a manhunt for all those who were involved in the violent attack, amongst them current and retired serving soldiers," military spokesperson Colonel Issa Bangura told reporters.

ECOWAS condemns incident

On Sunday, the West African regional bloc ECOWAS condemned the security breach in Sierra Leone.

"The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has learnt with utter disgust a plot by certain individuals to acquire arms and disturb the peace and constitutional order in Sierra Leone," the regional body said in a statement.

"ECOWAS condemns this act and calls for the arrest and prosecution of all participants in this illegal act. ECOWAS reiterates its zero-tolerance for unconstitutional change of government."

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