Afua Asantewaa is a television producer. Photo / @Afua_asantewaa_

Ghanaian media personality Afua Asantewaa has completed a 126-hour singing marathon in an attempt to break the record for the longest individual singing session.

The 33 year-old kicked off the attempt at midnight on Christmas Eve and concluded on Friday at 7am local time. Her effort awaits official recognition by the Guinness World Record.

She said she had lost count of what day it was as she thanked a crowd of fans gathered in the capital, Accra.

"At a point I kept asking which day it was and I finally got to know that today is Friday... I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in this sing-a-thon attempt," she told fans.

Health concerns

Medics advised the singer to end the attempt following concerns over her health.

"There is only so far you can go as a person... we have gotten to a point where as a medical team her health is our top most priority. We need to make sure that she is fine," the head of the medical team told her fans.

Local musicians and politicians, including Vice-President Mahamudu Bawumia, had visited to show support as Asantewaa made the five-day attempt.

Fans also thronged the venue on Christmas day and sang along to the Ghanaian songs drawn from across genres.

Her effort ended a day after Uganda chef, Dorcus Mirembe, popularly known as Mama D, broke the world record for non-stop cooking. She passed the 119 hours and 57 minutes mark set earlier this year by Irish chef Alan Fisher,

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