The Romanian embassy has not commented on the accusations. 

By Emmanuel Onyango

Romanian Ambassador to Kenya Dragos Viorel Tigau is accused of using racist remarks during an eastern European group meeting in which he referred to African colleagues as "monkeys".

Kenya's Foreign Ministry Principal Secretary Macharia Kamau said the remarks were "intolerable and unacceptable in any age let alone 21st Century in Nairobi".

In a tweet, Kamau condemned what he termed as attempts to cover up the incident.

"Appalled and disgusted at learning of remarks by Romanian Ambassador in Nairobi in reference African Group members as monkeys during Eastern European group meeting. Utter shame attempts to cover up this disgrace," he said.

The ambassador and the Romanian embassy have not commented on the accusations. It is unclear where and when the incident happened.

The incident joins a long list of diplomatic rows sparked by Western diplomats' comments considered as racist against Africans.

In January, Germany's foreign office apologised after using a leopard emoji in referring to the Russian foreign minister's visit to Africa.

It tweeted that Sergey Lavrov’s visit was not intended to look for leopards, but to use the trip to try and justify Russia's war on Ukraine.

An African Union official and social media users on the continent were angered by the stereotyping of the continent as only good for wildlife visits.

TRT Afrika