A fresh dusting of snow sits atop mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania / Photo: Reuters

By Coletta Wanjohi

Mount Kilimanjaro located in Tanzania is the highest mountain in Africa with an estimated height of more than 5895 metres above sea level.

It is described as the largest free standing mountain in the world. This means it is not part of a mountain range.

It includes three peaks of volcanic origin: Kibo, Mawenzi and Shira. Kibo is the highest of the three and it is where the highest peak of this mountain called Uhuru is located.

Despite being in Tanzania, this mountain can be seen easily and clearly from neighbouring Kenya.

Tourist needs to pay a porter about $15 per day to carry their luggage. Photo: Tanzania Porters Association

Tourists watch Kilimanjaro from Kenya's National Parks including Amboseli National Park and Tsavo West Park. Because of this, tourism companies in Kenya peg Mount Kilimanjaro to the tour packages they sell.

In 1987, UNESCO listed Mount Kilimanjaro as a World Heritage Site because of its natural beauty. Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro requires physical and mental preparedness.

There are seven official routes to reach the top of the mountain and it takes between five and 10 days to arrive.

Tour agencies usually charge between $2000 and $3000 for the entire trip.

Mount kilimanjaro is visited by 30,000 to 50,000 people annually, according to Tanzanian government. Photo: TRT Afrika

A tourist would also need to pay a main guide at least between $20 and $25 per day and a deputy guide between $15 and $20 per day while a cook is paid about $15 a day.

In addition to those who provide services directly during hiking, there are other service providers such as hotels, travel companies, and airlines who get income from activities relating to this mountain.

The ideal months to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro are between December and March or from June to October.

These are the seasons when there is usually no heavy rains and therefore the road is not slippery.

Mount Kilimanjaro attracts entertainers as well. Photo: Wengine 

The journey begins in the emerald forest, which is inhabited by various wild animals. Then the trip takes you to a dry land area covered with large flowers of different types and other plants.

Then, you'll reach a high mountain forest that paves the way to a wonderful arctic ice and snow landscape. And here you will have reached the peak of Africa!

The Tanzanian government says that every year, between 30,000 and 50,000 people from different parts of the world come to climb mount Kilimanjaro. At any one time you can find at least 1500 people on the mountain.

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